Tag Archives: BUG

Adam and Joe Return to 6Music

7 Mar

When Digital Radio Station BBC 6Music was threatened with closure last year it meant only one thing to me, the loss of The Adam and Joe Show. Online petitions were signed and Facebook groups were rapidly joined although i couldn’t quite muster the effort to march on BBC House.

No sooner had BBC 6 Music been saved than Adam and Joe promptly pissed off to do other things. Joe Cornish has been directing his debut feature called “Attack the Block” for Film 4 and Adam has been doing hisBUG and ‘Technical Breakdown’ shows amongst other stuff.

For the uninitiated their show is basically two mates bantering, being a bit inane, having in jokes and indulging in self penned song wars. They also play great music. Check out their podcast for a flavour of what they do (although without the music) and i’ll be investigating getting a proxy internet server so i can listen in from my island home of New Zealand